v5.0 Release Notes

Released: Aug 12, 2016

New Features

4 new maps have been added:

  • Added: Archives Classic
  • Added: Bunker
  • Added: Dam
  • Added: Depot

2 new game modes have been added:

  • Added: A View to a Kill:

    • You are scored on time spent alive
    • Dying resets current time to 0
    • Killing a player adds 50% of their currently accumulated “time alive” to yours
    • Slapper kills will reward you with 75% of their currently accumulated time
    • Current time leaders are highlighted with red markers
  • Added: Gun Trade:

    • Each player is randomly assigned a weapon at the start of the match
    • Killing, or being killed by another player will swap weapons between you and that player
    • Slapper kills remove the victims weapon from circulation and assigns a new weapon that is not currently in circulation
    • The player with the most kills at the end of the round wins

2 new playable characters have been added:

  • Added: Russian Infantry
  • Added: Russian Soldier

Other Features:

  • Added: 25 new music tracks
  • Added: 40 new achievements
  • Added: Added Community Contributor rank which comes with a scoreboard tag and Klobb skin

Level Design Updates

The following maps have had significant layout changes and/or have been entirely remade to improve game balance and overall performance:

  • Remade: Aztec
  • Remade: Caverns
  • Remade: Caves
  • Remade: Complex Classic
  • Remade: Facility Classic
  • Remade: Basement Classic
  • Remade: Library Classic
  • Remade: Stack Classic
  • Remade: Runway
  • Remade: Temple Classic
  • Modified: Basement
  • Modified: Control
  • Modified: Cradle
  • Modified: Egyptian
  • Modified: Facility
  • Modified: Facility Backzone
  • Modified: Silo

The following maps and their respective assets have received visual updates:

  • Updated: Archives
  • Updated: Bunker Classic
  • Updated: Casino

Game Mode Updates

  • Modified: Arsenal:

    • each round now consists of an 8-weapon set (down from 16)
    • each weapon requires 2 kills to advance to the next
  • Remade: Capture the Flag (Formerly Capture the Key):

    • Dropped flags are now returned immediately on contact
    • Overtime only triggers if the round ends in a tie
  • Removed: Live and Let Die

Art & Sound Updates

  • Added: The following weapons have received new models and muzzle flash particle effects:
    • Slappers
    • Hunting Knife
    • Throwing Knife
    • PP7/Silenced PP7
    • DD44
    • Klobb
    • KF7
    • ZMG
    • D5K/Silenced D5K
    • Phantom
    • RC-P90
    • Shotgun
    • Automatic Shotgun
    • Sniper Rifle
    • Cougar Magnum
    • Golden Gun
    • Silver PP7
    • Gold PP7
    • Grenade Launcher
    • Rocket Launcher
    • Hand Grenade
    • Timed Mine
    • Remote Mine
    • Proximity Mine
    • Watch Detonator
  • Added: Support for special event weapon skins
  • Added: Weapons with visible shells (Shotgun, Automatic Shotgun, Grenade Launcher) will now properly reflect the ammo count if reserve ammo is less than the reload capacity
  • Added: Weapon fire attenuation added to better tell what direction weapon fire is coming from
  • Modified: Weapon skin system overhauled, now supports 4 distinct skins per weapon that can be picked up by other players
  • Modified: Rocket launcher projectile is now a part of the viewmodel and transistions to world model when fired
  • Modified: Props will tint to a darker color when they’re damaged, unless specified otherwise by the mapper
  • Remade: New weapon firing and explosion sounds.
  • Remade: New grenade and throwing knife impact sounds.
  • Remade: New Ammo and Weapon HUD Icons
  • Remade: New bullet impact decals
  • Remade: New bullet impact particle effects
  • Remade: New blood decals
  • Remade: New sprays
  • Removed: Old sprays removed

Gameplay Updates

  • Added: Strafe running now gives a speed increase up to 1.4x base running speed
  • Added: Weapons will now dry-fire if trigger is held after emptying the magazine
  • Added: Damaging a player before they kill themselves now properly awards the kill to the attacker
  • Added: Falling short distances no longer deal damage but rather give you a temporary movespeed penalty
  • Added: Context-sensitive hit sounds have been added for head, body and limb shots
  • Added: Mines can now be stacked on top of each other
  • Added: Primed grenades will now drop and detonate if the player is killed before they are thrown
  • Added: Hit sounds added for damaging players with an explosion
  • Added: A new kill confirmation sound can be toggled in the multiplayer-advanced tab
  • Added: Added proper acceleration and deceleration values to doors and elevators
  • Added: Players can now drop multiple weapons on death, as specified by ge_weapondroplimit. By default they drop their active & strongest unused weapon.
  • Modified: Random Weapon Set now creates sets with coherent weapon ordering
  • Modified: Proximity mines are now sensitive to velocity. Crouching/walking will no longer set them off
  • Modified: Gamemodes can now control spawn invulnerability duration and if it can be broken by picking up weapons/armor
  • Modified: Spawn invulnerability now provides radar invisibility as well, to allow players to escape nearby aggressors
  • Modified: Damage code redone, along with explosion blast code so that both are much more consistent.
  • Modified: Weapon autoswitch will now avoid coming into effect if players are currently firing their weapon or have an explosive out.
  • Modified: No more autoswitch to timed mines.
  • Modified: Rockets and grenade launcher rounds are instant kills on a direct hit, and display as such in the killfeed
  • Modified: Shotgun spread is now only psuedorandom, preventing unfair spreads
  • Modified: Weapon spread now follows a gaussian destribution, with values that can be changed per-weapon. Shots tend towards the center of the crosshair and accuracy degregredation is sensible.
  • Modified: Invulnerability is now a damage cap over time instead of damage protection after each hit
  • Modified: Accuracy and recoil mechanics
  • Modified: Weapon damage values
  • Modified: Adjusted weapon kickback to be much more subtle
  • Modified: Weapon penetration special rules: Can no longer shoot through the entirety of maps. Door penetration unchanged.
  • Modified: Increased required fall distance to trigger player damage
  • Modified: Sniper Rifle zoom is retained between usage
  • Modified: Sniper Rifle default zoom reduced to 50% down from 100%
  • Modified: Spawning system greatly improved. You should no longer spawn directly beside an opponent
  • Modified: Hunting knife removed from spawn weapons
  • Modified: Slapper damage increased
  • Modified: Hunting knife damage increased
  • Modified: Melee hit tracing significantly improved. It is now easier to hit players with slappers and hunting knives
  • Modified: Throwing knives now find their target much easier
  • Modified: Movement speed increased for running and crouching
  • Modified: Armor vests respawn if knocked too far away from their spawn point
  • Modified: Switching teams now always forces a suicide
  • Modified: Explosions now only shake screen if nearly inside of them
  • Modified: Armor will no longer spawn as quickly if 2 players are fighting over it
  • Modified: New crouch jump animation to prevent large increase in apparent jump height
  • Modified: Round timer now flashes red/green when time is removed/added to it
  • Modified: Aimmode reduces weapon kickback
  • Modified: Round end conditions are more robust
  • Modified: Weapon spawners can now spawn their normal weapon after their override token has been picked up, eg: Golden Gun
  • Modified: props now take 1.5 times the damage to compensate for weapon damage adjustments
  • Modified: Reloads are audible to all players
  • Modified: Moved grenades collision group so they don’t collide with players
  • Modified: Moved rockets collision group so they properly collide with players
  • Modified: Grenade/rocket projectiles no longer collide with weapon triggers or tokens
  • Modified: Grenade projectiles now have a team based collision group in team mode, so they no longer collide with teammates
  • Modified: Golden PP7 and Silver PP7 now use golden gun and magnum ammo, respectively
  • Modified: Picked up weapons now give 30 bullets instead of 10 (Some exceptions such as the Golden Gun)
  • Modified: Throwing knives now only damage players
  • Modified: Pushforce from weapons redone. High damage hits push players further and low damage hits have no effect at all.
  • Fixed: Throwing knife and hunting knife no longer switch to eachother with right click
  • Removed: Cooldown period between jumping has been removed

Console / Client / HUD / VGUI

  • Added: Impulse 28 cheat, which gives you a unique radar color based on your steamID
  • Added: ge_infiniteammo added, along with gameplay specific enabling of this functionality
  • Added: Added map-specific death messages to the kill feed
  • Added: Added console variable to hide dev tags and weapon skins
  • Added: Added “ge_nextsong” to tell the music manager to skip the current track
  • Added: Kills awarded to an attacker as a result of player suicide are displayed in the kill feed
  • Added: Added weapon help popout, which is accessed with F. Displays all the relevant stats of the current weapon.
  • Added: Added cl_ge_show_ammocount to disable ammo display
  • Added: Added cl_ge_show_pickuphistory to disable pickup icons
  • Added: Added console variable, ge_print_map_selection_weights, which prints all the viable maps and their weights
  • Modified: Main menu background updated
  • Modified: Changed some achievement names, “You Should Feel Honored” is now “You Should Feel Suave” and the criteria is different
  • Modified: Fast weapon switch now has the option to show the player’s entire inventory when switching
  • Modified: Right-aligned weapon icons in weaponset popout help
  • Modified: teamscore HUD box only displays round score now
  • Modified: Rocket and grenade fuse times adjust based on phys_timescale
  • Fixed: Fixed gameplay popout help
  • Fixed: Fixed giveweapon function so it can’t spawn weapons inside the floor and fail to give them to the player
  • Removed: “Custom Map” loading screen removed

Bot Fixes

  • Fixed: Bots will always take damage from the same triggers players do
  • Fixed: Bots use proper hull size now, which will help them avoid getting stuck
  • Fixed: Bots have had a rework of their behavior - will now hunt weapons and players reliably
  • Fixed: Bots no longer get stuck frequently
  • Fixed: Bots now wait the correct time for doors to open
  • Fixed: Bots are more aware of nearby enemies and items
  • Modified: Heavy rework of map bot networks for more intelligent bot behavior

General Fixes & Performance

  • Fixed: Fixed an issue where you could get stuck by “X”ing out of the character select menu
  • Fixed: Fixed an issue where grenade launcher rounds would not bounce
  • Fixed: Fixed various movement exploits such as wall strafing and wiggle walking
  • Fixed: Fixed crouch jumping causing hitboxes to be inaccurate
  • Fixed: Fixed desyncing between doors and child objects such as windows
  • Fixed: Fixed “The Man Who Cannot Die” achievement being granted to players who had more than 10 kills on match end
  • Fixed: fixed teamplay variable getting out of synch which would mess up lag compensation
  • Fixed: fixed weapon-switch bug where you couldn’t switch backwards between weapons in group one if you had to jump to the other side of the group
  • Fixed: Fixed rockets colliding with capture areas
  • Fixed: Fixed timer animation bugs
  • Fixed: Fixed aimmode bug where players occasionally would lose access to their crosshair
  • Fixed: Roundtimer now displays the correct time in all cases
  • Fixed: Roundtimer now responds much better to being changed mid-round
  • Fixed: Lasers can no longer be deleted without pickup if player doesn’t have one
  • Fixed: Fixed bullet tracers and muzzle flashes to be more consistent
  • Fixed: Hitscan weapons now refuse to be blocked by lesser damage bodyparts if they can also hit a higher damage bodypart in the same trace
  • Fixed: Fixed penetration code ignoring entities penetrated shots ended up inside of
  • Fixed: “You can’t win” achievement is now consistently obtainable
  • Fixed: Items can no longer be picked up through walls
  • Fixed: Players will now pick up the entire ammo crate when only picking up some of the ammo in it
  • Fixed: Respawnable entities will no longer get blocked by nonsolid entities like precipitation
  • Fixed: Player hull expanded by 0.5 units - It is no longer possible to see through walls when close to them on 16:9 resolution
  • Fixed: Aimmode functionality adjusted to prevent prediction errors and more seamlessly integrate with gameplay
  • Fixed: Fixed After Action Report bug with teamplay mode being displayed on first FFA round after a teamplay round
  • Fixed: Fixed After Action Report displaying wrong gameplay at the top
  • Performance: Explosions no longer have heatwave or dynamic light effects
  • Performance: Weapon muzzle flashes no longer light up static props
  • Performance: Precached weapon assets
  • Performance: Avoided precaching some unused assets
  • Performance: Datacachesize bumped to 128 MiB


  • Added: Added python itemtracker which monitors items currently on the map for use by bots
  • Added: Added “OnEnemyTokenTouched” python callback
  • Added: canplayerchangeteam python callback given wasForced boolean parameter to let gamemodes know when players did not intentionally make the change
  • Added: Added MakeInvisible and MakeVisible python player commands


  • Added: Added ge_addtoroundtime and ge_setcurrentroundtime to give more control to server admins
  • Added: Added map manager, a system which uses script files to determine what weight maps should have during selection and what gamemodes can be played on them.
  • Added: Added cl_ge_weapon_switchempty, which determines if a player is allowed to pull out weapons with no ammo
  • Added: Added round_ranks event for plugins to tell where people placed in the round
  • Added: Added map_rec event for game to communicate map selection choices to plugins
  • Added: Added ge_gameplay_threshold - a console variable which designates the minimum amount of players before random gamemode selection can occur
  • Modified: Capture areas can now be spawned in shortly after round start
  • Modified: Scoreboard can be switched to a time based display, for modes like VTAK
  • Modified: Create server menu now properly supports random gameplay and puts default weaponsets at the top
  • Modified: Only a widescreen loading screen is required for a map now
  • Modified: introduced more mapcycle functionality. Rotation will now avoid picking recently played maps, gamemodes, and weaponsets. How far back it looks is adjustable with convars.
  • Modified: Changed hardcode ban behavior to just kick instead of ban from server, so it can be reversed later if circumstances require it
  • Modified: Round_end event now reports the winner’s score
  • Modified: Random_loadout selection criteria greatly expanded, will now avoid picking a set it has picked recently and avoids picking the same type of set twice in a row

Mapping Resources

  • Added: Added func_ge_door, a door that can accelerate and change direction mid-motion.
  • Added: Added func_ge_brush, a brush entity that can specify a custom collide group
  • Added: Added trigger_trap, which is a hurt trigger that can give custom kill credit and kill messages
  • Added: Added prop_ge_dynamic, a dynamic prop that can assign itself random skins on round start. Supports custom collision grouping.
  • Added: Added ge_logic_gate, a map entity that allows for more simple implementation of complex map logic
  • Added: Added ge_door_interp, which allows the visual part of a door to interp on the client instead of the server. Does not work well
  • Added: Added functionality to ge_gameplayinfo to allow maps to disable superflous areas at will
  • Added: Added ge_point_follower, an entity that will follow a target entity on a delay
  • Added: added special “slipnslide” material property functionality to certain material types
  • Modified: ge_gameplayinfo can detect more gameplay conditions like teamspawn use, and the specific gamemode in play
  • Modified: ge_gameplayinfo can now change the floor height of a map, which is used by the spawning system and radar.
  • Modified: spawners now have more outputs for mappers to use
  • Modified: ge_gameplayinfo can use GetConnectionCount to measure how many players are currently connected to the server so that the first round can be prepared appropriately
  • Modified: tokens can now be defined with skin of -1 to keep previously used skin
  • Modified: kill triggers no longer remove weapons from killed players
  • Modified: func_ge_brush can be flagged to remove weapons from killed players
  • Modified: ge_gameplayinfo no longer fires playercount and roundcount inputs at start of round to allow mappers more control
  • Modified: Spectator spawns can now be enabled/disabled by the mapper
  • Fixed: func_rebreakable respawns in the correct place when parented to objects
  • Fixed: func_door will now respawn the same way as other entities when the map restarts, making complicated entity systems much easier to implement
  • Fixed: trigger_push can now lift players off the floor reliably
  • Fixed: Fixed ge_debug_checkplayerspawns logic error and added in the ability to check for bot node compatibility


  • Modified: Increased default network rates
    • Maximum rate allowed by server is 187500 bytes/s (~1.5Mbps) per client
    • Minimum rate allowed by server is 4000 bytes/s (32Kbps) per client
    • Default network data rate used by client is 93750 bytes/s (750Kbps)
  • Modified: Changed default server minimum and maximum update/cmd rates and the default client update/cmd rates to 66
  • Modified: Reduced interpolation amount from 100ms to ~30.3ms