Console Command Reference

This is a list of console commands for GoldenEye: Source. These can be useful for power users, content creators, server admins, and programmers.

int parameters are input as whole number values such as 28

float parameters are input as floating point values such as 3.98

bool parameters are input as either 1 or 0, 1 being True and 0 being False

string parameters are input as arbitrary unicode strings, such as “ge_archives”

Gameplay Commands

Command Input Description
changelevel string Ends the match and changes the level to whichever was named
mp_timelimit int Match (map) time limit, in minutes.
0 = no time limit
ge_roundtime int Round time, in seconds.
0 = no time limit.
ge_restartround Ends the current round and starts the next one Use this to move to the next weapon set quickly
ge_gameplaylist Prints the gameplays (game modes) on the server
ge_gameplaylistrefresh Refreshes the list of gameplays. Useful if you added a gameplay while the server was running
ge_gameplay string Sets the current game mode
ge_gameplayreload Reloads the current gameplay (FOR DEVELOPERS!)
ge_weaponset_list Prints the weaponsets on the server
ge_weaponset_reload Refreshes the list of weaponsets. Useful if you added a weaponset while the server was running
ge_weaponset string Sets the weaponset (takes effect next round)
ge_startarmed bool Sets if players start with the first weapon in the weaponset
0 = Slapper
1 = Slapper + Level 1 weapon
ge_weapondroplimit int The max number of weapons dropped on death

Round/Match Time

Command Input Description
changelevel string Ends the match and changes the level to whichever was named
mp_timelimit int Match (map) time limit, in minutes.
0 = no time limit
ge_roundtime int Round time, in seconds.
0 = no time limit.
ge_rounddelay int Delay in seconds between rounds
ge_roundcount int Number of rounds in the current match.
Calculates ge_roundtime
Use 0 to disable
ge_restartround Ends the current round and starts the next one Use this to move to the next weapon set quickly
ge_endround Ends the current round. Use ge_endround 0 to skip scores.
ge_endround_keepweapons Ends the current round but keeps the same weaponset
ge_endmatch Ends the match, loading the next one
ge_setcurrentroundtime int Sets the number of seconds left in the current round
ge_addtoroundtime int Adds the given number of seconds to the current roundtime


Command Input Description
ge_loadouts_loadoutbuffercount int How often weaponsets are allowed to repeat without weight penalty. Any that have been played within (this value)/2 rounds cannot be picked randomly.
ge_mapchooser_avoidteamplay bool If set to 1, server will avoid choosing maps where the current playercount is above the team threshold.
ge_mapchooser_mapbuffercount int How many other maps need to be played since the last time a map was played before it can be selected randomly again
ge_mapchooser_usemapcycle bool If set to 1, the server will just use the mapcycle file (disables selection based on map scripts)
ge_mapchooser_resthreshold int The mapchooser will do everything it can to avoid switcing between maps with this combined resintensity.
ge_print_map_selection_data Prints the server’s map selection data
ge_print_current_map_data Prints the current map’s data
ge_print_map_selection_weights Prints the map selection chance for given playercount, or current playercount if none is given. Use 1 as second parameter for unsorted list
ge_gameplay_threshold int Playercount must be exceeded before gamemodes other than Deathmatch will be randomly chosen
ge_gameplay_modebufferpentaly int How much to take off of the weight of a mode for each time it appears in the buffer
ge_gameplay_mode int Mode to choose for next gameplay
0 = Same as last map
1 = Random from current map
2 = Use gameplay cycle file
ge_gp_cyclefile string The gameplay cycle to use for the random gameplay or ordered gameplay.
If ge_gameplay_mode is not 1, this has no effect.


Command Input Description
ge_teamplay bool Turns on teamplay if the current gameplay scenario supports it
ge_autoteam int Automatically enables teamplay if the playercount is above this value
Disables teamplay if the playercount falls below this value
ge_autoautoteam int If set to 1, the server will set ge_autoteam to the value specified in the current map script file
ge_teamautobalance bool turns on the auto balancer for teamplay

Gameplay Tweaks

Command Input Description
ge_partialammopickups bool Allow players to pick up ammo from crate without picking up all of it
ge_armorrespawntime int Minimum time in seconds before armor respawns
ge_armorrespawn_pc_scale float Multiplier applied to playercount
ge_armorrespawn_pc_power float Power applied to playercount
ge_respawndelay int Changes the minimum delay between respawns
ge_itemrespawntime int Time in seconds between ammo respawns
ge_weaponrespawntime int Time in seconds between weapon spawns (ge_dynamicweaponrespawn must be off!)
ge_dynamicweaponrespawn bool Changes the respawn delay for weapons and ammo to be based on how many players are connected
ge_dynamicweaponrespawn_scale float Changes the dynamic respawn delay scale for weapons and ammo
ge_allowjump bool Toggle allowing players to jump
ge_exp_allowz bool Allow excessive Z forces on explosions
ge_tournamentmode bool Turns on tournament mode that disables certain gameplay checks
ge_allowradar bool Allow clients to use their radars
ge_radar_range int Change the radar range (in inches)
ge_radar_showenemyteam bool Allow the radar to show enemies during teamplay (useful for tournaments)


Command Input Description
ge_weapondroplimit int Cap on the number of weapons a player can drop on death in addition to their active one
ge_exp_pushscale int Scale the amount of push force from explosions on players
ge_explosiveheadshots bool Headshot kills create explosions
ge_velocity float Player movement velocity multiplier. Applies in multiples of 0.5 [0.5 to 2.0]
ge_paintball bool Enables paintball bullet decals
ge_infiniteammo bool Enables infinite ammo mode


Command Input Description
ge_bot_threshold int Server will maintain this many players using bots. If more players join, the extra bots will disconnect.
ge_bot_openslots int Number of open slots to leave for incoming players
ge_bot_strict_openslot int Count spectators in determining whether to leave an open player slot
ge_bot Adds a bot
ge_bot_remove int Removes number of bots. If no number is supplied, it removes them all
ge_bot_givespawninvuln bool Bots are allowed to have spawn invulnerability
ge_bot_difficulty int Sets average difficulty of the AI [0-9]